The bionic Swede Breach fires powerful, targeted kinetic blasts to aggressively clear a path through enemy ground. The damage and disruption he inflicts ensures no fight is ever fair.
Role Information

Initiators challenge angles by setting up their team to enter contested ground and push defenders away.
Agent Guide
Breach is an initiator who specializes in disrupting enemy positions through walls. His ability to stun, flash, and damage through solid surfaces makes him incredibly powerful for coordinated team plays.
Play Breach as a supportive initiator who sets up teammates for success. Time your utility usage with team pushes and learn common wall-bang spots for maximum effectiveness.
Team Synergy
Exceptional with aggressive duelists who can capitalize on his flashes and stuns. Works well with controllers for executing site takes.
Best Maps
Excels on maps with plenty of walls like Haven and Ascent, where his abilities can affect multiple areas through surfaces.
Pro Tips
- Coordinate flash timings with team pushes
- Use Aftershock to clear common plant spots
- Rolling Thunder can be used through walls
- Chain abilities together for maximum disruption
Agent Details

Ability1EQUIP a Blinding charge. FIRE the charge to set a fast-acting burst through the wall. The charge detonates to Blind all players looking at it.

Fault Line
Ability2EQUIP a seismic blast. HOLD FIRE to increase the distance. RELEASE to set off the quake, Concussing all players in its zone and in a line up to the zone.

GrenadeEQUIP a fusion charge. FIRE the charge to set a slow-acting burst through the wall. The burst does heavy damage to anyone caught in its area.

Rolling Thunder
UltimateEQUIP a Seismic Charge. FIRE to send a cascading quake through all terrain in a large zone. The quake Concusses and knocks up anyone caught in it.