Scottish troublemaker Clove makes mischief for enemies in both the heat of combat and the cold of death. The young immortal keeps foes guessing, even from beyond the grave, their return to the living only ever a moment away.
Role Information

Controllers are experts in slicing up dangerous territory to set their team up for success.
Agent Guide
Clove brings a unique twist to the duelist role with abilities focused on momentum and sustain. Their kit allows them to maintain aggressive pressure through health regeneration and quick repositioning.
Play Clove as a momentum-based duelist who thrives on chain kills and quick rotations. Use their healing ability to sustain aggressive pushes and their utility to create space for the team.
Team Synergy
Effective with controllers who can support their aggressive plays, and initiators who can help secure initial kills to trigger their healing potential.
Best Maps
Particularly strong on maps with multiple routes like Haven and Pearl, where their mobility and sustain abilities can be fully utilized.
Pro Tips
- Time Pick-me-up usage after securing kills
- Use Not Dead Yet to create space and gather information
- Coordinate ultimate usage with team pushes
- Practice quick decision-making with healing mechanics
Agent Details

GrenadeACTIVATE to absorb the life force of a fallen enemy that Clove damaged or killed, gaining haste and temporary health.

Ability2EQUIP a view of the battlefield. FIRE to set the locations where Clove’s clouds will settle. ALT FIRE to confirm, launching clouds that block vision in the chosen areas. Clove can use this ability after death.

Not Dead Yet
UltimateAfter dying, ACTIVATE to resurrect. Once resurrected, Clove must earn a kill or a damaging assist within a set time or they will die. REACTIVATE to cancel early.

Ability1EQUIP a fragment of immortality essence. FIRE to throw the fragment, which erupts after a short delay and temporarily Decays all targets caught inside.