

Chinese fixer for hire Iso falls into a flow state to dismantle the opposition. Reconfiguring ambient energy into bulletproof protection, he advances with focus towards his next duel to the death.

Role Information



Duelists are self-sufficient fraggers who their team expects, through abilities and skills, to get high frags and seek out engagements first.

Agent Guide


Iso excels at creating opportunities for individual outplays with his unique energy manipulation abilities. His kit allows him to take advantageous duels and create moments of power for aggressive plays.


Play Iso as an aggressive duelist who can create his own advantages in fights. Use his energy field to win crucial duels, and his contingency ability to maintain pressure even after taking damage.

Team Synergy

Pairs well with controllers who can set up his aggressive plays, and initiators who can help him capitalize on his dueling potential.

Best Maps

Pro Tips

  • Use Energy Field to secure advantageous duels
  • Time Contingency usage for maximum impact in trades
  • Practice Kill Contract executions for eco rounds
  • Coordinate Ultimate usage with team utility

Agent Details


Developer Name Sequoia
Base Content No





EQUIP a molecular bolt. FIRE to throw it forward, briefly applying Vulnerable & Suppress to all players it touches. The bolt can pass through solid objects, including walls.

Kill Contract

Kill Contract


EQUIP an interdimensional arena. FIRE to hurl a column of energy through the battlefield, pulling you and the first enemy hit into the arena. You and your opponent duel to the death.

Double Tap

Double Tap


INSTANTLY start channeling your focus. Once focused: gain a shield which absorbs one instance of damage from any source, and enter a flow state during which downed enemies you kill or damage spawn an energy orb. Shooting this orb refreshes your flow state and your existing shield, or grants another.




EQUIP to assemble prismatic energy. FIRE to push an indestructible wall of energy forward that blocks bullets. ALT FIRE to push out a slower version of the wall.