Filipino Agent Neon surges forward at shocking speeds, discharging bursts of bioelectric radiance as fast as her body generates it. She races ahead to catch enemies off guard then strikes them down quicker than lightning.
Role Information

Duelists are self-sufficient fraggers who their team expects, through abilities and skills, to get high frags and seek out engagements first.
Agent Guide
Neon is a high-speed duelist who excels at rapid site executes and quick rotations. Her electrical abilities and sprint allow her to cover ground quickly and create chaos in enemy ranks.
Play Neon as an aggressive entry fragger who can quickly take space. Use her mobility to create timing advantages and her utility to punish enemies holding angles.
Team Synergy
Excellent with controllers who can support her fast executes, and initiators who can clear angles for her rushes.
Best Maps
Strong on maps with long lanes like Fracture and Pearl, where her mobility can quickly close distances.
Pro Tips
- Use Sprint to quickly rotate between sites
- Relay Bolt for clearing common angles
- Fast Lane to split sites and block vision
- Ultimate is strong for close-range fights
Agent Details

High Gear
Ability2INSTANTLY channel Neon’s power for Increased Speed. When charged, ALT FIRE to trigger an electric slide dash. Slide charge resets every two kills.

Relay Bolt
Ability1INSTANTLY throw an energy bolt that bounces once. Upon hitting each surface, the bolt electrifies the ground below with a Concussive blast.

Fast Lane
GrenadeFIRE two energy lines forward on the ground that extend a short distance or until they hit a surface. The lines rise into walls of static electricity that block vision.

UltimateUnleash Neon’s full power and speed for a short duration. FIRE to channel the power into a deadly lightning beam with high movement accuracy.