Raze explodes out of Brazil with her big personality and big guns. With her blunt-force-trauma playstyle, she excels at flushing entrenched enemies and clearing tight spaces with a generous dose of "boom."
Role Information

Duelists are self-sufficient fraggers who their team expects, through abilities and skills, to get high frags and seek out engagements first.
Agent Guide
Raze is an explosive duelist who excels at clearing spaces and forcing enemies out of position. Her mobility and area damage abilities make her exceptional at aggressive plays and site takes.
Play Raze as an aggressive entry fragger who uses her abilities to clear common angles and create chaos. Master satchel jumps to access unexpected angles and create timing advantages.
Team Synergy
Works well with controllers who can contain enemies for her ultimate, and initiators who can reveal targets for her abilities. Her room-clearing utility complements methodical pushes.
Best Maps
Particularly effective on maps with tight spaces like Split and Bind, where her explosives can clear multiple angles simultaneously.
Pro Tips
- Use Paint Shells to clear common camping spots
- Master double satchel jumps for aggressive plays
- Boom Bot can gather information safely
- Save Showstopper for high-impact rounds or eco breaks
Agent Details

Blast Pack
Ability1INSTANTLY throw a Blast Pack that will stick to surfaces. RE-USE the ability after deployment to detonate, damaging and moving anything hit.

Paint Shells
Ability2EQUIP a cluster grenade. FIRE to throw the grenade, which does damage and creates sub-munitions, each doing damage to anyone in their range. ALT FIRE to lob. Paint Shells charge resets every two kills.

Boom Bot
GrenadeEQUIP a Boom Bot. FIRE will deploy the bot, causing it to travel in a straight line on the ground, bouncing off walls. The Boom Bot will lock on to any enemies in its frontal cone and chase them, exploding for heavy damage if it reaches them.

UltimateEQUIP a rocket launcher. FIRE to shoot a rocket that does massive area damage on contact with anything.