Hailing from Australia, Skye and her band of beasts trailblaze the way through hostile territory. With her creations hampering the enemy, and her power to heal others, the team is strongest and safest by Skye's side.
Role Information

Initiators challenge angles by setting up their team to enter contested ground and push defenders away.
Agent Guide
Skye is a versatile initiator who combines information gathering with team support. Her ability to heal teammates and create opportunities with flashes and scouts makes her valuable in any composition.
Play Skye as an active initiator who can both support and create opportunities. Use your scouting abilities to gather information and coordinate pushes, while maintaining healing for crucial moments.
Team Synergy
Works excellently with aggressive duelists who can capitalize on her flashes and information. Her healing adds sustainability to any composition.
Best Maps
Strong on maps like Ascent and Fracture, where her scouting abilities can cover multiple paths effectively.
Pro Tips
- Guide Trailblazer around corners for info
- Pop flash with Guiding Light for teammates
- Use Seekers to initiate executes
- Save healing for critical HP thresholds
Agent Details

Ability1EQUIP a Tasmanian tiger trinket. FIRE to send out and take control of the predator. While in control, FIRE to leap forward, exploding in a Concussive blast on impact and damaging directly hit enemies.

Guiding Light
Ability2EQUIP a hawk trinket. FIRE to send it forward. HOLD FIRE to guide the hawk in the direction of your crosshair. RE-USE while the hawk is in flight to transform it into a flash. The flash reaches max potency after a short duration during the hawk's flight.

GrenadeEQUIP a healing trinket. HOLD FIRE to channel, Healing allies in range and line of sight. Can be reused until her healing pool is depleted. Skye cannot heal herself.

UltimateEQUIP a Seeker trinket. FIRE to send out three Seekers to track down the three closest enemies. If a Seeker reaches its target, it Nearsights them. Enemies can destroy the Seekers.