Japanese native Yoru rips holes straight through reality to infiltrate enemy lines unseen. Using deception and aggression in equal measure, he gets the drop on each target before they know where to look.
Role Information

Duelists are self-sufficient fraggers who their team expects, through abilities and skills, to get high frags and seek out engagements first.
Agent Guide
Yoru is a deceptive duelist who excels at misdirection and unexpected plays. His ability to teleport and create fake footsteps makes him a master of mind games and flanking opportunities.
Play Yoru as a creative duelist who can create chaos and confusion. Use your utility to mislead enemies and create opportunities for unexpected angles and flanks.
Team Synergy
Works well with controllers who can help mask his deceptions, and initiators who can capitalize on the chaos he creates.
Best Maps
Particularly effective on maps like Bind and Pearl, where his teleports can create unexpected rotations.
Pro Tips
- Use Fakeout to bait utility and attention
- Place Gatecrash for safe escape routes
- Blind enemies through walls with flash
- Dimensional Drift for information gathering
Agent Details

GrenadeEQUIP an echo that transforms into a mirror image of Yoru when activated. FIRE to instantly activate the mirror image and send it forward. ALT FIRE to place an inactive echo. USE to transform an inactive echo into a mirror image and send it forward. Mirror images explode in a Blinding flash when destroyed by enemies.

Ability1EQUIP to rip an unstable dimensional fragment from reality. FIRE to throw the fragment, activating a flash that winds up once it collides with a hard surface.

Ability2EQUIP a rift tether FIRE to send the tether forward. ALT FIRE to place a stationary tether. ACTIVATE to teleport to the tether's location. USE to trigger a fake teleport. GATECRASH resets a charge every two kills.

UltimateEQUIP a mask that can see between dimensions. FIRE to drift into Yoru's dimension, unable to be affected or seen by enemies from the outside. REACTIVATE to exit Yoru's dimension early.